December 31, 2009

The Year in Review-from the coop of course...

2009 was  a busy year for the girls. They began with their brand new mobile chicken coop from It was the best coop I could buy for my Silkies.

Highlights from 2009 included The FOX news interview on Backyard Flocks.

Easter chicks! Born over the Easter weekend were Twinkie, Farina and Nacho! They made Ducky very happy for a few weeks and then got on her nerves.  When chicks become adolescents they get to separate from their mother. Their mother wants nothing to do with them because they literally walk all over her.

Let's not forget Fuzztop's debut in Fuck You Penguin!
The horrid summer of 2009 here in Austin,TX brought the tragic passing of Ducky, lead hen. To this day there is no leader. I guess I am the leader, they follow me. She will always be missed as she was indeed one special lil soul. She was sweet and very smart, just all around impressive. Twinkie, her adopted daughter, is very much like her.
There were plenty of visits to see the boys, pictured to the left are Dash, Chickiebaby and baby brother Nacho. The three boys all very healthy,  well behaved and very close. I have never seen roosters get along so great.

The year ended with three healthy and happy hens. I hope I can continue to keep them this way through 2010. It's a pressure and responsibility I gladly take on.  Keeping chickens has made me very happy, I can't explain why or how just that it's a down to the soul kind of happy. How do they do that?

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