February 11, 2010

News, Updates, Discoveries.....

One of Twinkie's feet has healed and the other seems to be improving quickly. When the boric acid/petroleum jelly mix didn't seem to work I just went out and bought Camphophenique. That really sped up the healing process. In any case what did not work at all was what the vet sold me.

Because of the whole GMO problem in this country, I attempted to procure layer feed from GMO free Ireland. Since they just went GMO free though, their livestock feed list for GMO free feed is not available. However, I plan on checking in later just out of curiosity. I'd pay a pretty pocket for some GMO free feed and I don't know how well the US can guarantee GMO free anything.

In researching GMO layer feed I did discover Rainbow Egg Farm and their 18% protien, soy-free feed! For $30 I get 20lbs, not too shabby.  But with pricey feed comes the desire for it to go into my  hens and not wasted on the ground so now I am in search of the perfect feeder. I guess like most chicken people just starting out, every egg is about $6? But they are so yummy and my Silklie eggs are large enough. Not going to double them up anymore, seems to me two eggs equals two eggs and four equals four.  These are not teenie Bantam eggs to me.

I discovered that a car cover is the best winter coop cover ever. It isn't easy to drench it, it dries quickly and it insulates so well. There is a definite teperature increase in the coop. So much so, I leave the south facing end open.

Austin is still debating the rooster ban. I really think if roosters are banned because of their call, so should those recordings that are supposed to scare grackles off.  The one near my home goes off every ten minutes 24/7.  The grackles are used to it and so are the employees of the business. Maybe because they hear it all day everyday they have become use to it? It's just part of the noise in their everyday lives? Well then so can a rooster's call become part of the everyday background noise. Either way.....the point is, roosters don't need to be banned, they can be put away and brought out at decent hours.

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