The BP catastrophe has resulted in talk of bio fuels and turning chicken fat into diesel. I don't like the idea of chickens raised to fuel the world. Tyson says they have enough chicken fat from their operations to do this but the BP incident shows that there is never enough fuel. I would rather the talk turn to solar energy. I am not someone who rides a bicycle to work. For one, I am scared of being hit by a truck or SUV. Drivers in Austin,TX are not the best and there are many who are just hostile. I don't trust them. The other reason is because Austin is freaking hot ten or so months out of the year. I don't like the idea of riding a bike under the sweltering sun, arriving to work drenched with sweat. If my place of employment offered showers to those who rode to work and there were fewer trucks and SUVs on the rode, I would invest in a nice Dutch bike and ride.
It would be great if more people could just work from home. I don't need to work in the office, in fact, I don't even use the phone, fax or printer or even supplies at all. My job is exclusively online only and could be done remotely with no problem. State jobs like mine reserve remote access for their more "elite" workers. Whatever that means. There was a time when listening to music online was reserved for the more"elite" workers. Now just about everyone can watch a dvd or stream a movie through Netflix. So maybe one day my cubicle will be in my home.
I would gladly give up my car to work from home and view my chickens in the yard from my home office window. I can guarantee production would sore! I work better without interruptions and my workplace is loaded with distractions. I also wouldn't mind walking to the grocery store if the city put in a sidewalk. Austin talks a lot of green but the city is starving for sidewalks and bus lines that run more frequently.