June 22, 2010

Just brood then!

Fuzztop and PeeWee have been broody this week. UGH! Why now? It started about a week ago. I don't know if this behavior is healthy in the recent heat we've been having and will continue to have into November (so it seems). To make things "safer" for them I suspended the cooling fan so that it hits the nest but not directly, still, nice breeze. I also purchased two  small chick waterers to put in the corners of their nests and I bring them food.  In the mornings I have tried to scoot them out but they want no part of it and return to the coop. Last Saturday they were out all day and had a wonderful time. Fuzztop started showing signs and left PeeWee alone to befriend the new girls. But PeeWee fell into the broodiness as well.

In the summer I have always lined their nesting boxes with newspaper. It gets changed 1-2 a week and is cooler and cleaner than hay.  When the weather gets cooler I line them with hay. This summer I have tried to insulate their coop. It is under a shade tree but I have placed a car cover over the roof and then canvas painters tarps. The result is a coop ceiling that isn't hot. I have caught them panting one and I spritz them with water and they enjoyed that. I guess I shouldn't worry since there has been no panting but broodiness means no eggs and no eggs could also mean heat distress so you see...their mother worries.

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