A lot has changed since last fall. Elvis has really asserted herself and worked her way to leader. She even bosses Astrud around. Astrud! Her best friend and gentle sister. Elvis was the baby I helped bring out of the shell just last year. The girls all seemed to on board with her leading the flock so all I can do is cringe at her comportment. I don't have a say, no vote.
I thought perhaps Piki would have a better chance of joining the flock if everyone was roaming freely all over the yard. I was wrong. Piki separates herself from the group. You know the type. They don't join and then sit in a corner and mumble about exclusion when they haven't even tried. However, I can't really blame her. She was on friendly terms with PeeWee and as much I love PeeWee she can be flakey. When Elvis is far enough away PeeWee will slowly creep up close to Piki and the twoo peck together in peace. Elvis, Fuzztop or Astrud come by and the first thing PeeWee does is peck poor Piki sending her off screaming, wings flapping. The peck may have smarted but it's the betrayal and confusion that hurts I am sure. I took some photos that really show what is going on in the flock.
Speaking of Elvis, my little bully, she is so fearless and confident she went up to my new friend Olive and pecked her on the nose. Olive is a six month old Chihuahua I recently took in. I let this happen because Olive needs to develop a respect for the flock and I guess I should thank Elvis for teaching her in a manner that was easy to understand. Saves me a lot of trouble.
Olive learned and leaves the girls alone. However, she has seen me herd them into their coop and I think is trying herding out herself. This is the only time she runs after them. They stand their own though and Olive is smaller than Astrud and Piki. Olive did find a friend in Artie. Just like people, some animals have personalities that click with others or not.
Happy Spring!
Happy Spring!