November 17, 2010

Hen Minutiae

It began to look like a nice, cold winter was coming along but the abnormally cool autumn weather  didn't stay consistent in October.  This month is the usual Texas November, not too hot, not too cold. The days are getting shorter and supposedly lead to less eggs. I usually get more eggs during the fall and winter than in the spring in summer.

I have been tying to get the girls to not be so picky when it comes to food. They love yogurt, watermelon and oats but not much else. I keep trying to introduce them to other fruits and veggies because winter will mean less in the yard. They are so damn picky!

I found the chicken poop page and that saved me a lot of unnecessary worry. I am so happy there is a page filled with chicken shit out there.  Here it is if you haven't laready discovered it. I think there needs to be a more official page out there, maybe call it, and have it dedicated to all there is to know about chicken shit. I know we all have so many questions.

While Astrud is alpha out of the cage, in the coop she is last in the pecking order. Elvis has really risen in rank. While Elvis is not top hen, she is sitting pretty because she is a Silkie and has gained much confidence.
Astrud, my beautiful little Lakenvelder has a hard time being fourth out of the four but I also see that she is a bit at fault for her lower status. She cowers when she can very easily stand up and assert herself. She is bigger than everyone else but she doesn't know it yet. I hope she figures this out soon. In the meantime I spoil her by giving her exclusive invitations to bowls filled with oats and yogurt and a few other things I'd like her to eat.